Friday, August 17, 2007

Changing tides...

I was discussing something with Kartik the other day and the new Dean comes in and says hello. After an initial round of introductions this is what the conversation goes like.

D: "Where are you from?"

Moi: "Jamshedpur"
and he is a little confused,

Moi: "Its where the Tata's have most of their production facilities"

D: "Oh yeah, I am going to call up Ratan Tata in a few days to discuss certain things. So are the biggest in India?"

Moi: "No I guess the Reliance guys are."

Kartik: "Their head is an alum of our school."

D: "Yeah I am taking to Anil tomorrow."


...and still I can't find a place to stay :-(

Anyways do let me know if you know someone, even if he is your cousin fourth removed, who is looking for a roommate or is looking for a house to share with someone. I'll be extremely obliged.

To be soon homeless in Philly