Friday, February 22, 2008


Did you know its a good thing to have a rotten child? Well even I didn't but I found out last night at 2. And have you ever played the centipede game?  And contrary to what people think , its not always good to have more information.

Well why I am blabbering all this? Because I really like this Game Theory class I am attending, though I am not smart enough to get most of it. I generally try hard to put my heart and soul in the class but most of the time I end up doodling or dozing off. Given that its a small class I guess the instructor can't help but notice. 

Though I think I am picking it up slowly and steadily. I better do because most of my research would use economics and game theory. And this class is a good preparation of George Mailath's class, who hates every thing Nash and is extremely likely to get the Nobel one of these years.

... another one of those geeky rants.

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