Friday, September 26, 2008

Our moronic leaders

I am simply amazed at the comment made by Oscar Fernandes over the death of L.K. Chaudhary. How can a cabinet minister make such an irresponsible statement. I think he is either too dumb which he might be or he is simply trying to preserve his vote bank. 

And then there was this fiasco by Mamta Banarjee.  On one hand Chidambram goes around giving talks all over the world inviting people to invest in India and on the other hand our beloved politicians. To top it all the Prime minister refused to take a firm stand on any matter. Amazing !! 

Sometimes I think the country would be better managed in the hand of thugs. Should I be concerned about the state of affairs or laugh at it? 

What appalls me most is the stark indifference of the people of India to the political/economic climate in the country. People care more about Shilpa Shetty in Big Boss that bomb blasts in Bombay!!!

1 comment:

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