Thursday, April 07, 2005

Nightmare II

for those who missed the first part

One night, back in 1995, this dream reocurred after a long time. And I distinctly remeber it till this day.

I am standing on that very bridge, the same hum drum all around me. A very light breeze prevailed which I think was calming me down. I was no longer scared of my surrounding. Somehow I felt all this confidence well up in me. Well it wasn't exactly confidence, I really can't put a word to it, but I felt nice. Just the kind of feeling you when you have when you think you can achieve anything you want, but you are kind of disinterested in doing anything :))

Then I started walking. On that precarious girder !!! And I am really scared of heights. I kept walking, without even looking where I was stepping. Walking just for the sake of it, with no destination in mind. Like walking in the rain.

After walking for sometime I reached the end of the bridge where it intersected with a huge road. I have something with roads and its was one of the neatest I have ever seen.

But what struck me first was not the road itself but the view on the other side of the road. After the road was a sheer drop to a valley. There was a lush green hill that encompassed the valley, the greenest you would ever see. A sparkling river meandered through the base of the valley. Shimmering as if made of silver. And then there was the setting sun, adding to the aura of the entire scene. The setting rays of the sun bathed the vista in an orangish glow, so soothing and relaxing to the eyes. The valley was littered with small hutments with red tiled roofs. It seemed as if a story by Hans Christian Anderson had come to life. I sat down mesmerised by the landscape, losing track of the world around me.

I do not remeber how long this state of blissful forgetfullness lasted (well I am not supposed to...?? right ;) ) I was woken up from this slumber by someone giving me a hard shove. When I turned around I saw a whole lot of my friends waiting in a car. So away I went with them...

And what a ride it was.

We started climbing a mountain and the road went in circles around the peak...

more latez ( i am too bored to write further =)) LOL !! )


. said...

Its a really nice feeling, i still feel it rarely at times
ur dreams are really good... i never had such beautiful dreams... seems like a story to me

Anonymous said...

well..someone once told me that dreams are your minds ways of organising information gathered during the day so its basically like a lot of stuf being reshuffled in your head basically it helps you tell the past from the present in case you dont dream properly you get deja vu.. thats like you brain telling you something from the present is actually from the past..dont know how true this is..just one crazy idiot told me this..amrita

Unknown said...

Amrita: do u do read this ;)

Misty: Yeah be my guest. But just this one. The others are censored :p

Anonymous said...

yup i do read it and follow the rule of commenting too hehe