Friday, April 08, 2005

Sony patents brain controller

"Sony has been awarded a patent for a technology that could conjure up smells, tastes and other sensations in the brains of movie-goers. Specifically, the patent (US Patent 6,729,337) covers "a method for generating sensory data onto the human neural cortex". - the register

I for one am really really scared.

On the face of it this technology seems very benine, but the far reaching implications of such a method are really monstrous. Firstly the human brain is unexplored territory, neuroscientists have just started charting the vast expanse of our brain. There is a LOT that has yet to be learned. How you such a technology affect our overtly complicated minds/brain? I do not think someone can ascertain the answer. Forget humans, its not even known for simple inscets like the fly. Are we willing to take a chance here?

Another thing that has a even bigger repurcussion is the fact that it allows someone else to enter you mind, create sensations and change your feeling. Who knows whether such a technology would be used against someone. Make you buy stuff you dont want to. It would be the ultimate propaganda machine. Goverments can use it to strike panic amongst the citizens of the enemy state. Remeber 1984. Much much worse than that.

Then comes the question of accountability. If you have a mind changing machine like this and if it instructs you to commit a crime who is responsible for it? How do they figure out who brainwashed you? Wouldn't this lead to complete anarchy?

How would you like others toying around with your mind. Feeding impulses and feeling into them without your conscious agreement. I definitely wouldn't. Would you?

Welcome to the "BRAVE NEW WORLD"


Anonymous said...

well i dont think they have the technology yet not a working thing at least..its just that they are looking at the future when something like this will be there and they want the patent for it..but i agree its real scary waht implications something like this could have... amrita

Unknown said...

Well the exact technology dosen't exist, but there have been expriments on mice and all trying to stimulate their brains with external probes. Heck I was doing this will flies ;)

Anyways I am not conserned abt the patent. I think somethng like this should be totally illegal !!

LOL !! to misty comment :p

Unknown said...


Well what got into ur bed ;) ??