Friday, April 01, 2005


I used to have this recurrent nightmare when I was a kid...

I am standing on a metallic girder and all I can see is dirty murky water down below me. It spans as far as my eyes can see. Its a sheer drop to the ocean, just nothingness seperating me from the emrace of the water. One imbalanced step and I would be diddled away by the unfathomable expanse of the sea. I used to feel so small and helpless. And so SCARED !!!

They my focus would shift and I would realize I was standing on a bridge. There is a rucus of vehicles, cars, buses, trams all zooming away. Comfortably, with ease. I seemed to be the only one ill at ease on this pricarious bridge. And surprisingly none of them even touched me. Like I was made up of smoke, untouchable, fleeting.

I was like a little kid surrounded by this metallic bridge, endless expanse of the sea and a world that didn't seem to take notice. Intimidating, VERY intimidating.

I was too scared to move, so I remained rooted at the place. All the din around me driving crazy and when I couldn't take it any longer I would wake up in a pool of sweat.

First time I remember seeing this dream was back in the first standard. At least that how far my memories goes back to. And I kept having this recurrent nightmare till the 9th standard. Sometimes it would be sporadic but at other it would wake me up every night.

And then one day all this changed...

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